Your Career Guide is a Spotify playlist collection of episodes offered by National Public Radio’s (NPR) Life Kit series on career and workplace skills topics.
Northstar Digital Literacy offers free online digital literacy assessments, with skill-building resources and mastery certificates and badges available for users at official Northstar testing locations.
The Digital Navigator Resource Hub is a repository of resources to promote digital skill development and help adult learners and workers navigate online information and access technology equipment.
The Global Career and Technical Education (CTE) toolkit provides resources to help CTE instructors incorporate awareness of global issues and teach global skills.
Skillwise is a collection of downloadable factsheets, activities, and videos designed to assist adult learners in improving academic and workplace skills, including interview preparation. is an online hub of self-directed, beginner- to intermediate-level digital literacy tutorials in English and Spanish, with English resources for instructor-led classroom teaching.
Roadtrip Nation’s online course supports career and self-exploration through five online lessons that integrate core digital literacy and social emotional skills.
Rumie-Learn is a digital library of micro-learning ‘bytes’ that help users build transferable skills for life and career.
Michelle Weise explains why human skills, such as communication, problem solving and emotional intelligence, will be increasingly important to prepare for the future of work.
The Question Formulation Technique (QFT) helps learners create, work with, and use their own questions — building skills for lifelong learning, self-advocacy, and democratic action.
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