Question Formulation Technique

Right Question Institute

The Question Formulation Technique (QFT) helps learners create, work with, and use their own questions — building skills for lifelong learning, self-advocacy, and democratic action.

What This Includes

Skills addressed: Communication, Navigation & Using Information, Critical Thinking, Teamwork, Leadership & Initiative, Civic Engagement, Self-Advocacy, Professional Development


  • Instructional videos, webinars, and podcasts, downloadable tools and sample lessons, lesson templates and workbooks, searchable according to grade level and subject
  • Tools designed for K–12 grade-level equivalents include adaptations for special education and English language learners
  • Resources offered are translated into multiple languages
  • Question Formulation Technique (QFT) templates are offered in multiple web-based, digital formats for sharing and collaboration
  • In addition to educator-based tools, there are added applications for parents and social workers

Key Takeaways

  •  Tools are designed for adult education and higher education.
  •  Adaptations are provided for individual application, small group, whole class, and instructor professional development.
  • QFT tools are general in nature but the toolkit includes many subject-specific applications, including English language arts, social studies, science, and math.
  •  The curriculum is best utilized as integrated tools and skills rather than stand-alone.
  • The Harvard Graduate School of Education offers a fee-based online course, “Best Practices in the Question Formulation Technique,” for instructor professional development.

The Right Question Institute (RQI) began its work with a dropout prevention program in Lawrence, Massachusetts. Since developing the QFT, 300,000 educators in more than 150 countries have used it. QFT has found fans and supporters among many organizations, including the National Science Foundation, the Library of Congress, Google, and Microsoft.


Critical & Creative Thinking

Leadership & Initiative

Navigating & Using Information

Teamwork & Collaboration

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