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WIN Career Readiness Courseware and Credentials

WIN Career Readiness Courseware is an e-learning platform and software package that provides customized education and career training on career exploration, college and career readiness, and employability skills.

Global CTE Toolkit

The Global Career and Technical Education (CTE) toolkit provides resources to help CTE instructors incorporate awareness of global issues and teach global skills.


SkillsEngine offers tools to assist job seekers and practitioners in building skills using data from that state’s Department of Labor to create customized employment plans and curriculum.


Packback is an inquiry-driven discussion platform that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to engage learners and provide instant feedback. Content is practitioner-provided.

Transforming Distance Education (TDE)

The Transforming Distance Education online professional development course guides adult educators through all aspects of offering distance education to adult learners.

Digital Navigator Resource Hub

The Digital Navigator Resource Hub is a repository of resources to promote digital skill development and help adult learners and workers navigate online information and access technology equipment.


The mLearning (Mobile Learning) resource hub and community of practice connects educators to guidance and resources for mobile learning programming for adults developing English language and foundational skills.

Northstar Digital Literacy

Northstar Digital Literacy offers free online digital literacy assessments, with skill-building resources and mastery certificates and badges available for users at official Northstar testing locations.

PowerSkills PRO™

Bellevue University Corporate Learning’s PowerSkills PRO™ is an assessment tool used by organizations to analyze personal and workplace success skills and competency benchmarks for their employees.

Digital Literacy Courses

Coursera offers digital literacy courses and specializations in programming and coding for students and instructors seeking to build their digital skills.

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