Career Fluency is a trademarked curriculum designed to enhance college and career readiness skills, particularly focused on serving historically disenfranchised people.
The Managing Stress guide offers holistic guidance and lesson plans for adult education programs to implement to help learners develop social–emotional skills to manage and reach their goals.
Virtual OneStop Reentry Employment Opportunities (VOSREO) is a self-contained online platform that provides secure and monitored career exploration, skills assessment, and job application programs designed for use in corrections and reentry settings.
Coursera offers digital literacy courses and specializations in programming and coding for students and instructors seeking to build their digital skills.
The mLearning (Mobile Learning) resource hub and community of practice connects educators to guidance and resources for mobile learning programming for adults developing English language and foundational skills.
The Transforming Distance Education online professional development course guides adult educators through all aspects of offering distance education to adult learners.
The QA Commons works with postsecondary institutions to improve integration of employability skills across programs using their Essential Employability Qualities framework.
CompXchange is an open-source platform which offers tools to plan, align, and share competencies across educational programs, job descriptions, and credentials.
Resiliency in Action is a collection of research-based studies and tools to promote resilience that can be used for program and curriculum development.
Transforming Education offers evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) resources and tools that can be adapted to various educational settings.
Please note: changes to resources are maintained by their hosts.
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