Upwardly Global is a networking, resource, and skill-building hub that supports immigrants and refugees who want to
contribute vital skills to the professional U.S. workforce.
The Common Employability Skills Framework identifies a core set of fundamental skills using a common vocabulary that potential employees need in the workplace.
The Employability Skills Inventory (ESI) is a self-scored employability assessment that helps individuals identify their employability skills and skill gaps.
The Department of Labor (DOL) Entrepreneurship Competency Model is a framework focused on fostering entrepreneurship skills, such as personal effectiveness, academics, and workplace skills, in young adults.
220Leadership offers blended learning courses and learner-facing online courses to help users develop a growth mindset and build career, leadership, and entrepreneurial skills.
From Backpack to Briefcase is an instructional guide with fourteen personal and workplace success skills lessons, each with fillable PDF collaborative student activity pages.
The Common Career and Technical Core (CCTC) standards address essential skills for Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs within a variety of sectors and include overarching Career Readiness Practices that apply to all careers.
The Indigo tools form a comprehensive approach that uses motivational and behavioral insights for personal, educational, and career planning success.
Solvably is a digital learning platform where learners complete collaborative challenges to solve authentic problems to develop 21st-century workplace readiness competencies.
Mursion uses virtual reality to create interactive simulations, allowing users to develop and practice emotional intelligence, and integrate and retain skills practiced in a low-stakes environment.
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