YouScience offers game-based aptitude and interest tests to help users discover their natural talents and identify promising careers, as well as offering industry-recognized certification exams.
Skills addressed
Effective Communication, Self-Discipline, Research, Inquiry & Analysis, Creative Thinking, Collaboration, Computer Use, Cultural Respect, Adaptive Thinking, Leadership, Self-Awareness
Learner resources
Educator resources
YouScience developed an online game-based performance assessment tool that helps users discover their best-fit careers. The assessments’ aptitude portion is aligned with the BAB (Ball Aptitude Battery) tests. YouScience uses the RIASEC (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional) model, developed by the O*NET Center, with its six primary vocational criteria, to assign interests. Precision Exams merged with YouScience and offers a library of industry-recognized certification exams across all 16 National Career Clusters. Precision Exams works in partnership with subject matter experts and other career cluster experts such as the Law and Public Safety Education Network (LAPSEN) to create the exams. In December, 2020, Savvas Learning Company, formerly known as Pearson K12 Learning, announced it is enhancing its CTE curriculum by partnering with YouScience to provide industry-recognized exams and certifications. YouScience Discovery, the aptitude brain-game tests, have been validated by the Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO). Georgia conducted an analysis of YouScience across 51 high schools and saw statistically significant positive improvement in all areas measured.
Tags: Adaptability & Flexibility, Communication, Critical & Creative Thinking, Digital Literacy, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership & Initiative, Navigating & Using Information, Respecting Differences, Self-Management, Teamwork & Collaboration, Assessment Tool, Credentialing & Badging, Instructional Material, Download & Print, Online, Free, Payment Required, Adult Education, Higher Education, Older Youth, Workforce Development
Adaptability & Flexibility
Critical & Creative Thinking
Digital Literacy
Emotional Intelligence
Leadership & Initiative
Navigating & Using Information
Respecting Differences
Teamwork & Collaboration
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