This article considers what instructors and decision-makers should look for in creating or evaluating effective social-emotional learning (SEL) tools.
This article considers what instructors and decision-makers should look for in creating or evaluating effective social-emotional learning (SEL) tools. The authors encourage instructors and school systems to look for research-based best practices in SEL tools that include these three areas: teacher professional development, SAFE (sequenced, active, focused, and explicit) content, and activities that employ a developmental approach. To reach this conclusion, EdSurge reviewed hundreds of articles, reports, and whitepapers on promising practices to look for in creating or evaluating SEL tools. This article, published on July 8, 2020, draws from the EdSurge report, “Education in the Face of Unprecedented Challenges” written in partnership with New Schools Venture Fund.
Tags: Research, Download & Print, Online, Free
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