

Pepelwerk is an online database and mobile app that matches job seekers with employers and educators, based on skill sets that job seekers have or want to develop.

What This Includes

Skills addressed: Presentation, Digital Literacy, Communication, Goal Setting, Making Decisions, Project Management, Leadership, as well as other skills not listed here

For jobseekers

  •  Users create free job and learner profiles to connect to employers and courses that match their skills or desired skills
  • Users can access 3,500 courses, 200 of which are free
  • Courses address transferable personal and workplace success skills and build occupation-specific technical skills
  • Courses may offer credit, certificates or licenses
  • The job profile allows users to manage job matches and track job applications
  • Career coaching services available for a fee (at a discounted rate for members)
  • Options for more benefits with membership include: personality assessment, driver’s license verification, reduced rates on career coaching sessions, access to pepelwerk events, and more
  • Real World of Work connects qualified users with apprenticeships and internships in their area

For educators

  •  Educators can use the educator hub to offer courses, degrees, certificates, and licenses relevant to the demands of the job market
  • Courses are selected to align with today’s workforce training needs, including technical, workplace, and transferable skills

For employers

  •  Employers can post jobs using the simple recruitment platform and match with qualified candidates
  • Employers can use a skills gap assessment for employees to identify courses they may want to assign to employees.

Key Takeaways

  • Downloading and using the app to connect with educational offerings and jobs is free. If users want to enroll in one of the suggested courses, they can try it for free and decide if they want to pay the course fee.
  •  Users’ job profile allows job seekers (called “talent”) to identify skills they need in order to access a desired position or occupation. Based on identified skills, they are matched with courses that offer these skills.
  • Many courses build transferable personal and workplace success skills. Some example courses: Assess and Plan for Risks, Giving Feedback, Goal Setting Best Practices: SMART, Leadership Skills Mastery.
  • App users get a 30-day free trial to enroll in and complete any course they would like. Beyond that, most courses are fee-based.
  • The Real World of Work program is ideal for users who don’t have work experience or are not sure what career or industry they want to pursue. Through this program, pepelwerk partners with employers who can offer apprenticeships and internships to the right candidates to build skills and experience.

Pepelwerk was founded in 2018 and has been building relationships with employers and educators to build its platform. Pepelwerk uses technology for the greater good, bringing together talent, employers, and educators. Pepelwerk also adds a human element through real-time transparent connection between the talent and educators/employers. Today, more than 3,000 job seekers have downloaded the app, and 99 percent of talent users get job matches based on their recorded skills.


Digital Literacy

Leadership & Initiative

Navigating & Using Information


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