KY Skills U Employability Standards

Kentucky Skills U

The KY Skills U Employability Standards and implementation guide detail ten standards for employability and ideas for classroom activities to teach and assess the standards.

What This Includes

Skills addressed: Teamwork, Communication, Workplace Compliance, Utilizing Workplace Resources, Using Information, Professionalism, Self-Awareness, Personal Advancement

Implementation Material

  • Kentucky Skills U Employability Standards Implementation Guide for Instructional Practices includes teaching strategies and classroom activities to teach and assess the ten standards

Key Takeaways

  • The Kentucky Skills U Employability Standards are written to integrate essential workplace skills into existing curricula and programming.
  • The strategies and activities in the implementation guide demonstrate that one activity can address multiple standards and skills. It offers examples of how personal and workplace success skills can be integrated into instruction to meet literacy or numeracy goals as well. For example, the activity to teach the standard of “Utilize[ing] workplace tools and technologies to communicate effectively” teaches learners to use online communication tools to simulate calls with customers or colleagues. This activity addresses both digital literacy and using information, while also speaking, listening, and reading literacy standards.

The Commonwealth of Kentucky Common Skills U developed these standards through consultation with employers and educators, and through a review of the Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems (CASAS) competencies and Equipped For the Future (EFF) resources.


Leadership & Initiative

Navigating & Using Information


Teamwork & Collaboration

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