Jobtimize helps job seekers assess their behavioral traits, attitudes, and interests to find career matches and locate jobs in their geographical area.
Skills addressed: Communication, Professionalism, Navigating Systems, Critical Thinking, Working with Others, Versatility, Awareness
Learner and job seeker resources
Instructor and career advisor resources
Jobtimize is a product of Fit First Technologies, based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, which uses behavior-modeling algorithms and machine learning to develop predictive solutions for hiring and career discovery. It is led by co-founder and president Jan van der Hoop, who speaks on topics related to talent acquisition and organizational performance. The company has worked with many large businesses to reduce turnover and increase efficiencies through better hiring practices. Its work is centered on the premise that a person’s behavioral traits, attitudes, and critical thinking have a high correlation with on-the-job performance and success, considering a job candidate’s fit first, resume second. The technology also affords opportunities to those who may face employment barriers using traditional hiring methods. The Virginia-based Organization for Autism Research uses Jobtimize in its nationwide expansion of its Hire Autism employment program.
Tags: Adaptability & Flexibility, Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Navigating & Using Information, Self-Management, Teamwork & Collaboration, Advising & Coaching Tool, Assessment Tool, Download & Print, Online, Free (Registration Required), Payment Required, Adult Education, English Language Learners, Higher Education, Older Youth, Workforce Development
Adaptability & Flexibility
Emotional Intelligence
Navigating & Using Information
Teamwork & Collaboration
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