Executive Skills Implementation Toolkit

New Moms

The Executive Skills Implementation Toolkit is a guide to applying executive skills in workforce development programs and social enterprises. It illustrates the Executive Skills approach developed by New Moms and shares tools and case studies to help others apply the approach.

What This Includes

Skills addressed: Organization, Time Management, Planning/Prioritization, Metacognition, Response Inhibition, Flexibility, Emotional Control, Stress Tolerance, Task Initiation, Sustained Attention, Goal Directed Persistence, Working Memory


  • Tools for program developers and staff: Checklist, Environmental Modifications, Executive Skills Knowledge, SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based) Goals, Coaching for Executive Skills Struggles, Creating Executive Skills-informed Incentives., Matching Executive Skills with Job Development
  • Tools contain exercises, reflection questions, tasks, and activities for staff to complete during program design and implementation

Supporting guidance

  • Case study: Implementing an Executive Skills Approach: Insights for the Field contains examples of tools completed by New Moms to demonstrate implementation
  • Executive Skills white paper: The Future of Executive-Skills Coaching and Behavioral Science in Programs that Serve Teens and Young Adults
  • Webinar recording: Applying Executive Skills Strategies to Employment Social Enterprises
  • Video about the Executive Skills approach: Insights for the Field


  • ‘Voices from the field’

Case Study:

  • Implementing an Executive Skills Approach: Insights for the Field

Key Takeaways

  • Tools are ordered to align with the process of developing a workforce development program.
  • Readiness Checklist tool includes possible next steps, as well as an appendix of supporting resources that can help programs take the next step forward, based on checklist score.
  • Designed to be read alongside the toolkit, the case study illustrates how New Moms’ Bright Endeavors program implemented the Executive Skills approach.
  • The Executive Skills individualized coaching model demonstrates how participants can set goals and document progress within a cohort-based workforce program.
  • Tools include specific strategies for aligning individual goals to program goals. For example, the Aligning SMART Goals and Executive Skills tool guides coaches to develop SMART goals with participants within the tasks and scope of the workforce development program.

This Executive Skills Implementation Toolkit was developed for New Moms, a program that helps new moms by supporting homes, jobs, and strong families. New Moms first implemented its Executive Skills approach in 2016. Based on the program’s success, New Moms applied this approach to their job training and social enterprise programs. Implementation and expansion of New Moms’ Executive Skills approach can be seen in the Executive Skills Implementation Case Study. New Moms then partnered with the Annie E. Casey Foundation to commission Global Learning Partners to record and document the process and generate learning tools, videos, and supplemental materials.

Adaptability & Flexibility

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