English for Specific Careers


English for Specific Careers from BurlingtonEnglish offers specialized career courses with contextualized vocabulary, workplace success skills, and real-life workplace scenarios to help students succeed in current or new careers.

What This Includes

Skills addressed: Written Communication, Teamwork, Professionalism, Conflict Resolution, Respecting Differences, Integrity, Organizing Information, Lifelong Learning, Technology

Learner resources

  • Wordlists for specific careers provide blended vocabulary-building practice for career-specific words and phrases
  • Soft skills courses build English skills and career-specific vocabulary while teaching job-search and workplace success skills for different careers.
  • Courses for specific careers offer blended courses with in-depth career development and language building using workplace scenarios, with a choice of 120 careers in hospitality, engineering, finance, nursing, etc.
  • Online, independent reading, writing, speaking and listening lessons reinforce group activities
  • Speech Trainer pronunciation feature with customized pronunciation feedback and error correction can be used on all digital devices
  • Courses available at beginning, intermediate, and advanced English levels
  • Dashboard for tracking time on task, scores, and completion

Instructor resources

  • Projectable in-class lessons can be used with in-person, remote, or hybrid classes
  • Course and lesson planner, with scope and sequence document and teaching tips
  • In-class lesson plans, with student worksheets in fillable PDF and downloadable/printable formats
  • Dashboard for tracking student usage, progress, and completion

Key Takeaways

  • Adult education and workforce development programs can use the courses for stand-alone workshops or integrate them into other courses.
  • Integrated Education & Training programs can use the sector-specific courses, such as the Health Sciences career cluster courses: Licensed Practical Nurse, Cardiologists, and Admission Nurses, to help their English Language Learner students boost their language skills.
  • Work-based education programs can use the vocabulary, soft skill and/or general courses that correspond to the current jobs or next step jobs of their students to build students’ skills and career success.
  • Workforce development programs can integrate the soft skills courses into their curriculum to develop the personal and workplace success skills of their students.
  • Courses are available at beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels of English, with increasingly sophisticated vocabulary and jobs requiring advanced degrees in the higher-level courses.

The Burlington Group has been publishing educational material for learners around the world for 40 years. Its mission is to help English language learners achieve their language and career goals. In 2009, Burlington launched BurlingtonEnglish, an online digital solution which includes a speech-processing and training platform, for adult language learners. The blended learning solution offers face-to-face teacher-led lessons and student access to online lessons outside of class. The federal College and Career Readiness Standards and English Language Proficiency Standards are incorporated into the Burlington curriculum at all levels.

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