EmployABILITY Soft Skills

Microburst Learning

Microburst Learning offers the EmployABILITY SoftSkills blended learning course, certificates, and additional customized soft skill and technical online training for education and business.

What This Includes

Skills addressed: Interpersonal, Planning & Organizing, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Teamwork, Dependability, Flexibility, Adaptability, Initiative

Learner resources

  • EmployABILITY Soft Skills classroom and online lessons in ten modules
  • Online pre-assessment and individualized evaluation report
  • EmployABILITY certificates upon successful completion of ten modules and post-assessments
  • Employer’s Choice certificate, recognized by some state associations of Career and Technical Education
  • MicroCareerBursts online career exploration and virtual job-shadowing platform

Instructor resources

  • EmployABILITY Soft Skills blended soft skills ten-module curriculum with pre- and post- assessments
  • Instructor certification
  • Instructor guides with flexible classroom activities
  • Interpersonal Skills professional development course
    District and state resources
  • STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and CTE (Career & Technical Education) customized soft skills employability training
  • MicroCareerBursts online career exploration and virtual job-shadowing to provide students with work-based learning opportunities

Employer resources

  • Professional Workplace Behavior and Soft Skills for Success blended learning courses
  • Customized soft skill and technical skill trainings

Key Takeaways

  • The e-learning and training for education and business is focused on personal and workplace success skills, such as teamwork, conflict resolution, initiative, and productivity.
  • The high school level EmployABILITY Soft Skills training and its job-related content are appropriate for CTE programs, post-secondary education, and adult education learners.
  • The blended platform provides ten modules of in-person (or virtual) classroom activities and ten short, interactive online sessions for students.
  • CTE programs can work with Microburst Learning to customize the EmployABILITY Soft Skills training to any of the sixteen career clusters in the National Career Clusters Framework.
  • MicroCareerBurst career exploration and virtual job-shadow tool allows learners to explore careers online through videos featuring people in a range of careers and includes details about job responsibilities and range of pay.

Microburst Learning, founded in 2007, grew out of soft skills training experience in the private business sector. The company develops customized personal and workplace success skill and technical e-learning training for businesses and several e-learning solutions for education, including the EmployABILITY Soft Skills training. The EmployABILITY Soft Skills training was retooled from the business world to the world of education. Microburst Learning works with 360 schools in 23 states, including North Carolina, Texas, and Oklahoma. Since 2012, thousands of high school and CTE students have used the MicroCareerBurst career exploration and virtual job-shadow tool in South Carolina. The Employer’s Choice Certificate, a South Carolina (SC) State-recognized industry credential, is endorsed by Microburst Learning, SC Manufacturers Alliance, Mechanical Contractors Association of SC, SC Association of Career and Technical Education, and North Carolina Association of Career and Technical Education’s Trade and Industrial Division.

Adaptability & Flexibility


Leadership & Initiative

Navigating & Using Information


Teamwork & Collaboration

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