Employability Skills Resource Toolkit

North Carolina Network for Excellence in Teaching

The Employability Skills Resource Toolkit’s eight modules help instructors explicitly teach employability skills in postsecondary settings.

What This Includes

Skills addressed: Interpersonal Skills & Teamwork, Communications, Integrity & Professionalism, Problem Solving & Decision Making, Initiative & Dependability, Information Processing, Adaptability & Lifelong Learning, Entrepreneurship


  • PowerPoint presentations and notes (editable, with facilitation notes included)
  • Teaching activities, including objectives, directions, and learner handouts
  • Assessment rubrics that can be used as observation checklists by the instructor or others
  • Links and videos containing additional outside material for follow-up or extended learning

Key Takeaways

  • Activities and materials are designed to be integrated into college classes and workforce-training programs.
  • Sector- and workplace-specific modifications are suggested at the beginning of every activity. For example, in the Information Processing module, an activity on acquiring information suggests that applications for the agriculture sector can have learners completing information scavenger hunts on soil test results, growth yields, and livestock-management feed comparisons.

The North Carolina Network for Excellence in Teaching prepared these materials in 2012 for the Center for Occupational Research and Development. A group of 200 faculty in North Carolina’s community college system came together to identify eight employability skills, and to review and revise teaching materials. This group saw that instructors might wish to teach these transferable and essential skills, but lacked the teaching resources. The module developers sought to meet that need and followed best practices for integrating the skills, making the skills explicit, incorporating real-world contexts, and including the skills in course grading and feedback.

Adaptability & Flexibility


Critical & Creative Thinking

Emotional Intelligence

Leadership & Initiative

Navigating & Using Information


Teamwork & Collaboration

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