Employability Skills Framework

Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education

The Employability Skills Framework details skills essential to all workforce and educational sectors, and the skills checklist demonstrates ideas for integrating these skills into instruction.

What This Includes

  • Employability Skills Framework handout
  • Employability Skills Framework lesson-planning checklist

Key Takeaways

  • The Employability Skills Framework illustrates a broadly applicable set of skills for workforce and educational sectors.
  • The Department of Education developed this framework and supplemental material to inform and guide instruction and curriculum development.
  • A lesson-planning checklist can help instructors and programs integrate skills into existing or newly developed lessons by providing examples of integrated activities.

Voices from the Field

Learn more about how this is used in practice.

I had never considered before an objective way to evaluate myself. The provided tools helped me to analyze my development.

Workers Take Ownership of Their Professional Pathways

Employees in the Harvard Bridge Program developed personal accountability skills through lessons that incorporated the Employability Skills Framework, alongside some activities from Skillbase, Linkedin and Rumi.

The Employability Skills Framework was developed through the Support for States Employability Standards in Career and Technical Education and Adult Education project, a part of the Office of Career and Technical Education (OCTE) at the U.S. Department of Education. Those who contributed to the development of the framework include: Individuals from OCTE; adult education, workforce-development and business organization staff; and representatives from twelve federal agencies.


Critical & Creative Thinking

Digital Literacy

Emotional Intelligence

Navigating & Using Information


Teamwork & Collaboration

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