The EmployABILITY process uses results of a self-assessment profile to tailor individualized activities or integrate activities into a college or other classroom setting.
Skills addressed: Basic Literacy, Rhetorical Literacy, Personal & Critical Literacy, Emotional Literacy, Occupational Literacy, Ethical, Cultural & Social Literacy
Learner resources
Instructor material
Developing EmployABILITY is an initiative of Australia’s Curtin University, where more than 25 higher education institutions came together to identify “literacies for life.” More than 700 scholars contributed to the resources. The goal of this work is to enable educators to embed developing employability skills into existing classes.
Tags: Communication, Critical & Creative Thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Respecting Differences, Assessment Tool, Instructional Material, Research, Download & Print, Online, Free (Registration Required), Adult Education, English Language Learners, Higher Education, Older Youth, Workforce Development
Critical & Creative Thinking
Emotional Intelligence
Respecting Differences
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