Common Career and Technical Core (CCTC)

Advance CTE

The Common Career and Technical Core (CCTC) standards address essential skills for Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs within a variety of sectors and include overarching Career Readiness Practices that apply to all careers.

What This Includes

Skills addressed: Responsible Citizenship, Clear Communication, Creativity & Innovation, Integrity, Socially & Environmentally Minded, among other skills and attributes not mentioned here


  • Standards for each of 16 Career Clusters® and their corresponding Career Pathways define what students should know and be able to do after completing a program of study
  • Career Ready Practices (CRP) address overarching career readiness knowledge, skills, and dispositions

Key Takeaways

  • The Common Career Technical Core standards are applicable to Career and Technical Education programs. Certain states have formally adopted the standards, while other CTE programs can review them for inspiration and ideas.
  • Career Readiness Practices, unlike the CCTC standards, are universally applicable practices that can be adapted to most educational and training contexts and settings.
  • The standards are divided into overarching for career clusters and specialized for career pathways within that sector.
  • The CCTC aligns with college and career readiness standards.

The process to develop the CCTC involved about 3,500 individuals who took part in a multi-step process to ensure relevance and alignment. The project was coordinated by Advance CTE and 42 states participated. The National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium/National Career Technical Education Foundation published the standards in 2012. The consortium represents the state leaders of CTE on a national scale.

Adaptability & Flexibility


Critical & Creative Thinking

Digital Literacy

Emotional Intelligence

Leadership & Initiative

Navigating & Using Information

Respecting Differences


Teamwork & Collaboration

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