Character Lab Playbooks

Character Lab

Character Lab Playbooks contain tips and advice for instructors on modeling and teaching specific character strengths (personal and workplace success skills) to learners of all ages.

What This Includes

Skills addressed: Creativity, Curiosity, Emotional intelligence, Honesty, Gratitude, Grit, Growth Mindset, Honesty, Intellectual Humility, Kindness, Proactivity, Purpose, Self-Control, Social Intelligence


  • Playbooks (website page) contain advice, definitions, tips and links for further learning, for each of the fourteen noted character traits
  • Some playbooks include printable activities

Key Takeaways

  • ‘Character’ refers to cultivated strengths of mind, heart, and will that allow us to help others and ourselves.
  • Although developed with K–12 in mind, the tips are written for adults as educators or models and can be used in adult learning settings.
  • The Character Lab Research Network can consult with schools and programs on system-wide social emotional learning approaches.

Character Lab, a non-profit organization started in 2013, partners with scientists to develop the character traits, playbooks, and approaches for individuals and schools. The Character Lab Research Network connects schools and scientists, who work collaboratively to make scientific-based changes for learner success.

Critical & Creative Thinking

Emotional Intelligence

Leadership & Initiative


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