Cell-Ed uses a customizable learning platform to provide language learning content and essential life and work skills, available on any device with or without internet connection.
Skills addressed: Work Readiness, Financial Literacy, Digital Literacy, Communication, Interpersonal Skills
Learner and administrator experience
Since its launch in 2014, the Cell-Ed platform and content have been used by tens of thousands of adults. Cell-Ed reports that the platform allows adults to experience faster skills gains because of its anytime, anywhere approach. The organization partners with educational providers and employers across the world.
Tags: Communication, Critical & Creative Thinking, Digital Literacy, Navigating & Using Information, Self-Management, Teamwork & Collaboration, Advising & Coaching Tool, Instructional Material, Audio / Video, Mobile Apps, Online, Payment Required, Adult Education, English Language Learners, Workforce Development
Critical & Creative Thinking
Digital Literacy
Navigating & Using Information
Teamwork & Collaboration
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