Cell-Ed Essentials

Cell Ed

Cell-Ed uses a customizable learning platform to provide language learning content and essential life and work skills, available on any device with or without internet connection.

What This Includes

Skills addressed: Work Readiness, Financial Literacy, Digital Literacy, Communication, Interpersonal Skills


  • Work Ready Suite and Work Ready Advanced programs build personal and workplace success skills explicitly
  • Essentials content available in micro-burst quick lessons
  • Micro-burst lessons mapped to other common standards in adult education (such as BEST Plus, CASAS [Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems] and NRS [National Reporting System])


  • Automatized and live coaches nudge learners, answer questions, and give feedback in real time

Learner and administrator experience

  • Surveys, intake applications, and group messaging are used to customize learning experiences and communicate with learners
  • Administrators have access to insights and analytics through securely collected data and reporting measures

Key Takeaways

  • Cell-Ed partners with educational and employment sites that want to provide free, accessible language and upskilling content to students and jobseekers in a group, remote or blended setting.
  • Cell-Ed provides automated and live coaching for learners, who can listen to lessons on any kind of phone, demonstrate their knowledge via text messaging, and speak with coaches.
  • Cell-Ed integrates essential workplace readiness skill development with English, health, and citizenship courses, while the workplace programs build personal and workplace success skills explicitly.
  • Cell-Ed content is available in a wide range of English, literacy, and numeracy levels.

Since its launch in 2014, the Cell-Ed platform and content have been used by tens of thousands of adults. Cell-Ed reports that the platform allows adults to experience faster skills gains because of its anytime, anywhere approach. The organization partners with educational providers and employers across the world.


Critical & Creative Thinking

Digital Literacy

Navigating & Using Information


Teamwork & Collaboration

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