Participate in a Case Study

Would you benefit from guidance and support to integrate Personal and Workplace Success Skills (PWSS) into your program?

We offer help and support for teaching Personal and Workplace Success Skills!

Who: The National College Transition Network (NCTN) is seeking instructors, college and career navigators and coaches in adult education, workforce development and community college programs.

What: Incorporate a PWSS Library resource into instruction or advising/coaching and document your experiences for case studies that will be included in the Library to illustrate ways the resource can be used.

Choose from a variety of resources that can be used for face-to-face or online instruction, assessment, advising/coaching and curriculum development to enhance your ability to teach Personal and Workplace Success Skills. Resources include:

  • instructional materials (curriculum, online modules)
  • assessment tools
  • skill frameworks to guide program and curriculum design, and
  • advising & coaching tools.

The PWSS resources can be used for stand-alone work readiness courses or workshops, or integrated into academic and language instruction, advising and coaching.

How to get teaching support: Receive customized consultation with NCTN staff to identify PWSS resources that align with your program design and format and participants’ goals.

When: If selected to participate, you will commit to incorporating PWSS resources into your programming.

Selected programs will receive a $2,000 stipend to:

  • Consult with NCTN staff to identify PWSS resources and a plan for implementing it in a way that aligns with your target audience and goals.
  • Commit to a plan for implementing the resource, including identifying the number of participants, hours of instruction, format for delivery
  • Participate in an interview to contribute to a case study to document your experience with the resource.
  • Provide examples of participant feedback, e.g. interview quotes, written reflections, photos, and video clips (using media permission form provided by NCTN).

How to participate

Complete this form to tell us more about your program and your interest in participating and we will contact you to discuss the opportunity further. The form indicates your interest in learning more, not your commitment to participate.

Complete the form



Have a resource to suggest?
Share it with us.

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