
PERTS (Project for Education Research that Scales) and the SEP (Student Experience Program)

Copilot-Ascend surveys learners on the student experience, and then provides results and recommendations to instructors on how they can implement practices that foster equity and persistence for all.

What This Includes

Learner materials

  • Brief survey for learners to evaluate a course or program within these constructs: Identity, Safety, Growth Mindset, Self-Efficacy, Social Belonging, Social Connectedness, Trust & Fairness
  • Survey is designed to be used as a pre- and post-self-assessment to measure how the learning environment improved for learners over time

Instructor materials

  • Copilot-Ascend — Guide to Measures describes the constructs and how they are measured
  • Change Practices by Construct describes recommendations for making changes to a program or course for more engaging and equitable learning experiences
  • Dashboard to administer, view, and manage survey results

Key Takeaways

  • Designed for use in college courses, the survey and follow-up recommendations can be used by learners, instructors or coaches in any educational setting.
  • Once changes to the learning environment have been made, learners retake the survey to indicate whether the course is more equitable and engaging. Educators repeat the process through multiple cycles of inquiry and action in order to create better learning experiences for all of their students.

The Copilot-Ascend program was developed by the Project for Education Research That Scales (PERTS) in collaboration with the Student Experience Program, a part of the College Transition Collaborative. PERTS takes scientific data from psychology and turns it into usable tools, reports, and recommendations for educators and institutions looking to improve equity and persistence for all students.

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